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The following page has been changed by SimonKitching:

  = Sandbox Oversight =
- Oversight for the sandbox is provided by the Commons team. Oversight means 
responsibility for ensuring that everything in the sandbox complies with Apache 
Software Foundation policies. Though (it is to be hoped that) committers should 
be able to be trusted, in the last resort the Commons team reserves the right 
to remove offending material from CVS. 
+ Oversight for the sandbox is provided by the Commons team. Oversight means 
responsibility for ensuring that everything in the sandbox complies with Apache 
Software Foundation policies. Though (it is to be hoped that) committers should 
be able to be trusted, in the last resort the Commons team reserves the right 
to remove offending material from the source code repository. 
  If questionable material is found, the right way to proceed is to first raise 
the matter on the commons-dev mailing list. The community will form a judgement 
about the material and the committers will be able to respond. It's a good idea 
to inform the committers directly (in case they are not on the list). It's also 
a good idea to copy the Jakarta PMC. 

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