Thanks for this Niklas, I'll get it kickstarted. I have some feedback:

Niklas Gustavsson wrote:

> Scope of the package
> ------------------------------------
> The package shall create and maintain a process execution package
> written in the Java language to be distributed under the ASF license.
> The Java code might also be complemented with scripts (e.g. Perl
> scripts) to fully enable execution on some operating systems. The
> package should aim for supporting a wide range of operating systems
> while still having a consistent API for all platforms.

I would like to avoid the need for such scripts if possible, but it's
definitely a thought.

> Interaction with other packages
> ------------------------------------
> This package will using Commons Logging for logging debug and error
> information.

I'd prefer not. Both Ant and Maven have other ways to log information,
so if it is to be incorporated back into them it might be an issue. In
addition, this will need to be capturing and streaming sys.out and err
which will need more functionality than c-l provides, so we need to have
an output interface anyway.

> * Ant 2.X contains a new exec implementation, especially targeted for
> reusability (see

Actually, I don't know if Ant2 exists - that page was a proposal from
quite some time ago IIRC.

> Identify the initial set of committers to be listed in the Status File
> ------------------------------------
> Brett Porter
> Stefan Bodewig

As requested I'll add Trygve to this list too. He is an Apache committer.

> Niklas Gustavsson (I'm not currently an Apache commiter so I don't
> know if this is possible)

The same rules apply as to other Apache projects - it is based on merit:

So, if you show continued commitment to contributing in regards to this
and/or other commons components, that you are willing to work with
others and to help people on the users mailing list, then it is possible
you will be invited to move from being a contributor to a committer.

Thanks again! I can set up the component in the sandbox - do you have
some code to start it with already, or shall we start talking about
where to start?


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