Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>d) Gump is currently failing commons-email. This doesn't give me 
>confidence in giving email a +1.

To quote Stefan: "Gump is an experiment. Not a code testing tool". 

Did you actually _look_ at the gump output? It says:

The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependency:

maven-findbugs-plugin-0.9.1.jar (try downloading from

And if you look at ibiblio:

Oh look! It is there! It just seems that gump is running maven with -o.
So it cannot find a dependency. Is this the fault of the project?
Surely not.

>e) Text files, including the NOTICE and LICENSE use Unix line endings. 
>This is a debated point, but I always prefer to see at least the zips 
>use Windows line endings.

% svn propget svn:eol-style LICENSE.txt

I build on Linux. Eric on some other unixish platform. If you
volunteer to build the ZIPs for us on Windows or can convince the
maven people to put some magic in so that the line endings are
correct, fine.

If you check out the source from SVN, you will get the correct line
endings for your platform. This how it works.

Could you now please either supply strong facts (I do agree up to some
point with you on the lang issue and I'm currently looking into
it. But I see no way that we do any changes for the 1.0 release) or
leave it. You had seven release candidates time to raise your
concerns. Doing it on the vote isn't exactly nice.

The dependency on commons-lang is IMHO not really a big issue. The jar
has ~ 200k and we are talking about a component which is probably not
used on J2ME. If 200k for a really useful library is a problem, then
commons-email isn't probably the right tool either.


Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen          INTERMETA GmbH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        +49 9131 50 654 0

RedHat Certified Engineer -- Jakarta Turbine Development  -- hero for hire
   Linux, Java, perl, Solaris -- Consulting, Training, Development

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