On 12/1/05, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To reask the question in this thread : what is broken with crlf ?
> I use both windows and linux (and mix zips and tgz on both platforms) and 
> never had a single issue with this. It could be the way I work though :)

That is a good question to ask - do we care if the line endings in
distributions are consistent or meet any kind of standard?  Most tools
(other than NotePad on Windows and maybe some others) hide the
difference, so maybe we should not care.  One thing that we might want
to care about is if eol=native implies that all line endings in files
like this end up CRLF when we create distros from Windows (likely, but
I have not personally confirmed this), that could add needlessly to
the size of the src distributions.   IIRC, we used to essentially
require lf line endings on source files, but that was before svn
arrived with eol=native possible.   The [poll] did not get much
response, so maybe there is no interest in making things uniform.
> > *) And I dont know why we should fix all bugs, its not very productive
> > to mark all bugs as "later" and after the release revert the status again.
> You don't have to fix all bugs, but the number and kind of bugs solved / 
> still open > can be a good indicator of how the project is doing.
> Mvgr,
> Martin
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