I don't think it is feasible to patch the maven dist plugin or the
hand-rolled ant scripts to inspect .svn/props for each file and then
change line endings accordingly.

I also verified that distros created on Windows are in fact shipping
CRLF line endings on all files that have eol=native in their svn
props.  A recent example is the 1.1 IO release.  To me, this is a
problem, since it adds to the size of the distros and makes the
contents of the distro dependent on the OS used to build it.

I see three realistic options to fix this, none of which are ideal,
listed in order of how I view them.  Other ideas - or statements that
this is a non-issue - welcome.  I have already done the work for 2 and
will submit the patch if that is the preferred solution.

1. Change svn props to get rid of "eol=native" and specify "eol=crlf"
for .txt.  IIUC the docs, lf is the default, so this should make all
sources default to lf.  It does force Windows users to correctly set
line endings on patches, commits, etc.  This is essentially going back
to the way things were in cvs.

2. Patch the maven dist plugin to put lf line endings on all of the
file types listed as recommended to have "eol=native" on the apache
svn pages and crlf on .txt files.  I would make both properties
configurable in the plugin, with the default for the first being empty
and the second ".txt"  The problem with this is getting all of the
extents fixed in the lf case.

3. Move to centralized release builds, running all release builds from
minotaur.  Would have to work through the issues here.


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