On 12/3/05, Steve Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nope, 1.6.
> This is sort of what I meant when I said it's harder to do these
> releases.  How is one supposed to KNOW what versions of these 30 or 40
> plugins you have to have in order to build a release?
> Does Jakarta or Jakarta-commons have a page that tells you the minimum
> maven setup needed to do a site release?  If not, it probably should
> have.  I know this is a dynamic process, but this is nuts.

Good point.  Right now http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/building.html
just contains the statement "Be sure to follow the instructions for
upgrading the plugins to the latest releases."  We could either doc
the full set there or check in the output of maven --info as a text
file in commons-build, making changes to that as necessary.  I would
recommend the second option, with a link on the "building" page.  I
will do that if no one beats me to it.

> And then the other direction.  I shudder to think what would have
> happened if I had tried maven 2.0.
Would have failed (because of POM spec and lots of other
incompatibilities), as would the 1.1 beta.  I agree we need to make
version dependency clear.


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