On 12/3/05, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/3/05, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 12/3/05, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On 12/3/05, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On 12/3/05, Steve Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Nope, 1.6.
> > > > >
> > > > > This is sort of what I meant when I said it's harder to do these
> > > > > releases.  How is one supposed to KNOW what versions of these 30 or
> > 40
> > > > > plugins you have to have in order to build a release?
> > > > >
> > > > > Does Jakarta or Jakarta-commons have a page that tells you the
> > minimum
> > > > > maven setup needed to do a site release?  If not, it probably should
> > > > > have.  I know this is a dynamic process, but this is nuts.
> > > >
> > > > Good point.  Right now http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/building.html
> > > > just contains the statement "Be sure to follow the instructions for
> > > > upgrading the plugins to the latest releases."
> > >
> > >
> > > Is it just me going blind, or are those instructions missing? All I see
> > is a
> > > link to a page that has a big list of plugins. I don't see instructions
> > on
> > > upgrading my plugins. ;-(
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > > We could either doc
> > > > the full set there or check in the output of maven --info as a text
> > > > file in commons-build, making changes to that as necessary.  I would
> > > > recommend the second option, with a link on the "building" page.  I
> > > > will do that if no one beats me to it.
> > >
> > >
> > > +1 to the second option. +1000 to a script that will automatically
> > update my
> > > Maven installation with those versions of the plugins. ;-)
> >
> > hmmm...I have a bash script ;-)
> >
> > It just consists of a bunch of lines like this:
> >
> > maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven -DartifactId=maven-ant-plugin
> > -Dversion=1.9
> > maven plugin:download -DgroupId=maven
> > -DartifactId=maven-artifact-plugin -Dversion=1.5.2
> What I was thinking of was some kind of script (language TBD ;) that would
> take the 'maven --info' file that you mentioned earlier, and use that to
> update my plugins. That way, when someone updates the info file, I just need
> to run the script to get all the required updates.

I think what I am doing now to the commons-build pom will do that. 
You will just have to execute any target in commons-build and the
plugins will get updated appropriately.  We can also use the
commons-build POM dependencies section as the place where we maintain
the list of required dependency versions.  Unless someone sees a
problem with this, I will go ahead and commit the change to the
commons-build pom.


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