--- James Ring wrote:
> Does CLI fit into the picture? Or do you feel that
> there are issues with it 
> that would prevent it from becoming part of the
> proposed JLC?
CLI has dependencies at present. A slimmed down CLIv2
might be appropriate. Question is whether we believe
this would be an appropriate J2SE enhancement.

--- James Ring wrote:
> Would the JLC be distributed as one jar file? If so,
> could JLC components 
> depend on each other? What are your opinions on
> distribution issues like that?
I would expect each component to have its own jar.
As with commons, there probably should be a
jlc-combo.jar too, but thats optional.

--- Torsten Curdt wrote:
> ...on the other hand it might hard to decide
> whether some belongs to that grouping or not.
> The definition of "language focussed" is just
> too blurry IMO.
--- Dion Gillard wrote:
> For example, does email fit into the language
--- Henri Yandell wrote:
> csv?

Thats why I attempted to describe it clearly.

J2SE-based - so no email, xml, xpath, mbeans, daemon,
Suitable for adding to the J2SE, so no validator,
chain, ...
Broad-shallow API - many small routines, not one task
per component

CSV is probably JLC.

--- Torsten Curdt wrote:
> What about tagging the components?
Tagging is just a website niceity. It doesn't solve
the size issue of commons. There are too many of us
here. Discussions get drowned out or missed.

--- Phil Steitz wrote:
> I am +1, as long as we agree informally to keep the
> "overlap" stuff mentioned here and elsewhere alive.
We have to. There needs to be a jakarta-wide (no
longer commons-wide) place to discuss shared issues,
and share knowledge.

--- Henri Yandell wrote:
> To effect this, I think that the sandbox should be
> the Jakarta level and not at the Commons level.
+1. But I think you may need a jakarta-dev list.


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