On 5/13/06, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
robert burrell donkin wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 08:51 +0200, Nicolas De Loof wrote:
>> I agree about NOT making non-final jars available on ibiblio (httpclient
>> beeing an exception)
>> So could the next RC be uploaded to
>> http://cvs.apache.org/maven-snapshot-repository/ ?
>> Please also consider using the new groupId recommandation for apache
>> commons-X : org.apache.commons.X
> should we make this change for the whole of the commons?

I think we should do it, but I remember that Henri had some reservations
when this was discussed last time. It had something to do with the local
Apache repo and where Jakarta artifact should be in that repo. Perhaps
he can fill us in on that situation.

+1 to making the change.

My only question is whether we use Java package naming
(org.apache.commons) or Apache structure (org.apache.jakarta or
org.apache.jakarta.commons).  I feel that we should be using ACL's on
the maven repository on minotaur such that only a PMC can release
their code onto the maven repository - but there hasn't seemed much
interest in trying to do such.

So I'm fine with org.apache.commons.


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