Hi Jörg!
> Well, therefore I would not split it at all. If you feel that the core API is 
> right, just release 1.0 with all stuff left outside, that might cause 
> licensing trouble. You may release 1.1 later on easily with the stuff 
> included as soon as you have answers.
Not only licensing troubles, also the thing with snapshot/not-released

bz2 and tar hurts if they are not at least easily pluggable, sure, I can
copy compress (its not that big) to VFSs codebase (to a different
namespace), then, only smb and webdav is missing.
Its an option, but I like the snapshot jar way more.

> As marked out in the other thread, marking dependencies as optional is 
> perfectly valid.
Uhm ... this is not possible with maven 1, is it? Could you give me a
hint please.


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