On 11/15/06, Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


after the release of commons-parent, the hurdles for publishing the
next version of commons-fileupload have now gone. So I'd like to
request a release of

    Commons Fileupload 1.2

I'm not going to have time to look at this until the weekend, but I will try
to spend some time on it then. In the meantime, a couple of requests:

1) Given the significant API changes since 1.1.1, I would like to see clirr
and jdiff reports, so that we can verify backwards compatibility more

2) I would like to see the output of Robert's RAT tool, run over the
proposed distro, to make sure were not missing anything.

Martin Cooper

The proposed distributables can be found at


The proposed web site is at


Notable changes in 1.2 are:

- Made Streams.asString static. Thanks to Aaron Freeman.
- Eliminated duplicate code. (FILEUPLOAD-109)
- Added a streaming API. (FILEUPLOAD-112)
- Eliminated the necessity of a content-length header. (FILEUPLOAD-93)
- Eliminated the limitation of a maximum size for a single header
line. (FILEUPLOAD-108)
  Thanks to Amichai Rothman.
- Added the ProgressListener, which allows to implement a progress bar.
- Added support for header continuation lines. (FILEUPLOAD-111)
  Thanks to Amichai Rothman.
- It is now possible to limit the actual file size and not the request
  (FILEUPLOAD-88) Thanks to Andrey Aristarkhov.

Please cast your vote:

[] +1
[] =0
[] -1


My wife Mary and I have been married for forty-seven years and not
once have we had an argument serious enough to consider divorce;
murder, yes, but divorce, never.
(Jack Benny)

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