Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
I did a fresh install of Maven 1.0.2 on people.apache.org (FreeBSD 6.1, Java 5u7), with a fresh checkout of the code, and ran 'maven site'. The build failed on checkstyle with this error :

Unable to create a Checker: cannot initialize module TreeWalker - Property 'allowMissingJavadoc' in module JavadocMethod does not exist, please check the documentation

I had the same issue on my laptop, this property exists in the checkstyle documentation though. I removed the offending line and restarted the site generation, it completed normally.

Now I wonder why Phil's nightly builds report an xdoc error and not the checkstyle error. What command is used to start the nightly build ?

Emmanuel Bourg

I added an explicit dependency to the newest version of the checkstyle plugin to project.xml. This should solve the problem with checkstyle. For the other problem I agree with Nial's answer: Obviously the lower version of the xdoc plugin causes more problems than it solves. So we should better go with the current version, especially if this is the standard for most of the commons components.

Now the new dependency to javax.mail causes me trouble: Compiling with JDK 1.3 fails now because the compiler reports an invalid class version. The mail jar has been compiled with a JDK > 1.3. So what do we do?

In general I wonder whether all these specialized get methods make sense for DataConfiguration. Wouldn't it be better and more flexible to have a generic method

Object getProperty(String key, Class targetClass)

and then provide a means for registering arbitrary converters? We could indeed use the Beanutils converters for this purpose as was suggested by one jira ticket.


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