On 6/23/07, Rahul Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/23/07, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/23/07, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 6/23/07, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > This will be the first release and is important because it enables
> > > reproducible builds and site generation for the sandbox components.
> >
> > Since you have a policy against releasing sandbox components, why not
> > just deploy snapshots of the sandbox parent pom, and advance to the
> > next snapshot version (without a release) when there is a change?
> >
> I guess the issue there is that you then have to add the snapshot repo
> explicitly just to *build* a sandbox component or generate its web
> site.  We want to force people to do that if they *depend* on sandbox
> jars, but just building a sandbox component should not require it IMO.

And it doesn't require that to build either -- install the parent.

I suspect anyone who has used m2 even minimally is aware of the
bootstrapping problems with development builds and how to solve them.
For everyone else (and I'm sure we will get questions), the sandbox
components should have 'install parent pom' as step 0 of their
'building' pages.

I guess that's what I see as the problem.  IMO we should strive to
make our components as easy to build as possible and this should apply
to the sandbox as well as proper.  Having to separately download,
build and install the parent (correct me if I am wrong here, though if
I am it sort of illustrates my point ;-) is a needless PITA for those
trying to build a sandbox m2 component from source.  Maven is supposed
to make building easier and admittedly sometimes it does not.  This is
a case where needless futzing to get a build to work could be avoided
by just publishing the parent so a straight build from the checked out
sandbox component source can work.   It is a maven pet peeve of mine
that in some cases special local incantations have to be performed to
get a build to work.  I like to do everything possible to eliminate

The site is also an issue.  For better or for worse, site
extensibility is tied to pom inheritance (again, correct me if I am
wrong), so having a stable and consistent sandbox site build depends
on having the sandbox parent POM available.  Again, local
build-and-install can workaround this, but why force people to do that
and why give up consistency (whatever random svn grab is used will
determine what shows up)?

I guess I also agree with Dennis that I fail to see the negatives.
Regarding the "recurring busy work" this is a do-ocracy and Dennis is
stepping up to do this release.  I will also help out as needed to
maintain this POM.



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