sebb wrote:
Licence and notice files
are present in all files (twice in sources.jar, but better twice than
Not something I'm worried about. Nice to fix if there is another RC.

The RELEASE-NOTES.txt say:
- The FileCleaner is deprecated.
Unfortunate, but not something I'm too worried about. If there is another RC, I'd suggest rewording to "The previous class FileCleaner will be deprecated in 1.4"

Also, the changes.xml says:
   <release version="1.3.2" date="2007-May-16">
Not something I'm worried about. Nice to fix if there is another RC.

The sources.jar file does not contain all the files present in the
src.jar file - e.g. it does not contain the test or xdocs trees.
Thats correct and normal.

The archive contains bin.jar and the javadoc.
However it also contains the src.jar and the javadoc.jar.
Seems a bit unnecessary to me.
Thats been standard practice for [io] for a while, as it means IDE developers only need to download the zip.

has a link called
  RAT (Release Audit Tool).
This probably shouldn't be on the final website.

Could not find any reference to the minimum version of Java that is
required. It would be useful to add this to the dependencies section.
Adding to dependencies is not easy to do. This can be done for 1.4

My main spot was that the website is of the old commons style, rather than the new (compare fonts/colours against the live [io] site). We shouldn't change the contents of 1.3.2, but the website that goes live should probably be built from TRUNK rather than the branch. (of course, the 1.3.2 javadoc will have to be generated from the branch, so this is a complex operation...)

I am +1 to this release. Thanks for your patience Jochen.


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