
Are there any howto's about the usage of this package? I can only find the API, but some examples are always more clear.

And why aren't the proxy settings not used by the package?
I now made this method to create the HostConfiguration, but it would be nice if it's in the package automaticly.

private static HostConfiguration getHostConfiguration(
String host, String protocol) {
String propNameHost = "proxyHost";
String propNamePort = "proxyPort";

String proxyHost =
Integer proxyPortInt =

if(proxyHost == null && proxyPortInt == null) {
// Fall back if the properties do not exist.
proxyHost = System.getProperty(propNameHost);
proxyPortInt = Integer.getInteger(propNamePort);

HostConfiguration config = new HostConfiguration();
config.setHost(host, -1, protocol); // Use default port.

if (proxyHost != null && proxyPortInt != null) {
int proxyPort = proxyPortInt.intValue();
config.setProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort);

return config;

And is it needed to make a HostConfiguration by hand?
Can't I just do:
HttpClient hc = new HttpClient();

And that the HostConfiguration is used internaly in HttpClient in stead of made by me.
I now have to do the bookkeeping of all the hosts I connect with myself and it would be nice if that is all handled automaticly by httpClient.
Just my to cents.

I'm willing to write some code for this, but I don't wont to change the API, if other developers don't agree with it.



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