  This is a patch which will determine the content type if null based on
file extension.  I used the file extension mapping from
$TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml.  As a side note, I'm having trouble sending gif
files.  Any thoughts or a kick in the right direction would be helpful.
Thanks and Hope It Helps
--- FilePart.java.orig  2003-06-18 22:18:41.000000000 -0400
+++ FilePart.java       2003-06-18 22:01:49.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * $Header: 
 1.14 2003/03/16 12:05:03 olegk Exp $
+ * $Header: 
 1.14 2003/03/16 12:05:03 olegk Exp $
  * $Revision: 1.14 $
  * $Date: 2003/03/16 12:05:03 $
@@ -121,6 +121,141 @@
     /** Content encoding of the file part. */
     private String charset;
+       /** Mime Type mappings 'liberated' from Tomcat4.1.18/conf/web.xml*/
+       public static final String[][] MIME_TYPE_MAPPINGS =     
+               {       { "abs",                "audio/x-mpeg" },
+                       { "ai",                 "application/postscript" },
+                       { "aif",                "audio/x-aiff" },
+                       { "aifc",               "audio/x-aiff" },
+                       { "aiff",               "audio/x-aiff" },
+                       { "aim",                "application/x-aim" },
+                       { "art",                "image/x-jg" },
+                       { "asf",                "video/x-ms-asf" },
+                       { "asx",                "video/x-ms-asf" },
+                       { "au",                 "audio/basic" },
+                       { "avi",                "video/x-msvideo" },
+                       { "avx",                "video/x-rad-screenplay" },
+                       { "bcpio",              "application/x-bcpio" },
+                       { "bin",                "application/octet-stream" },
+                       { "bmp",                "image/bmp" },
+                       { "body",               "text/html" },
+                       { "cdf",                "application/x-cdf" },
+                       { "cer",                "application/x-x509-ca-cert" },
+                       { "class",              "application/java" },
+                       { "cpio",               "application/x-cpio" },
+                       { "csh",                "application/x-csh" },
+                       { "css",                "text/css" },
+                       { "dib",                "image/bmp" },
+                       { "doc",                "application/msword" },
+                       { "dtd",                "text/plain" },
+                       { "dv",                 "video/x-dv" },
+                       { "dvi",                "application/x-dvi" },
+                       { "eps",                "application/postscript" },
+                       { "etx",                "text/x-setext" },
+                       { "exe",                "application/octet-stream" },
+                       { "gif",                "image/gif" },
+                       { "gtar",               "application/x-gtar" },
+                       { "gz",                 "application/x-gzip" },
+                       { "hdf",                "application/x-hdf" },
+                       { "hqx",                "application/mac-binhex40" },
+                       { "htc",                "text/x-component" },
+                       { "htm",                "text/html" },
+                       { "html",               "text/html" },
+                       { "hqx",                "application/mac-binhex40" },
+                       { "ief",                "image/ief" },
+                       { "jad",                "text/vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor" },
+                       { "jar",                "application/java-archive" },
+                       { "java",               "text/plain" },
+                       { "jnlp",               "application/x-java-jnlp-file" },
+                       { "jpe",                "image/jpeg" },
+                       { "jpeg",               "image/jpeg" },
+                       { "jpg",                "image/jpeg" },
+                       { "js",                 "text/javascript" },
+                       { "jsf",                "text/plain" },
+                       { "jspf",               "text/plain" },
+                       { "kar",                "audio/x-midi" },
+                       { "latex",              "application/x-latex" },
+                       { "m3u",                "audio/x-mpegurl" },
+                       { "mac",                "image/x-macpaint" },
+                       { "man",                "application/x-troff-man" },
+                       { "me",                 "application/x-troff-me" },
+                       { "mid",                "audio/x-midi" },
+                       { "midi",               "audio/x-midi" },
+                       { "mif",                "application/x-mif" },
+                       { "mov",                "video/quicktime" },
+                       { "movie",              "video/x-sgi-movie" },
+                       { "mp1",                "audio/x-mpeg" },
+                       { "mp2",                "audio/x-mpeg" },
+                       { "mp3",                "audio/x-mpeg" },
+                       { "mpa",                "audio/x-mpeg" },
+                       { "mpe",                "video/mpeg" },
+                       { "mpeg",               "video/mpeg" },
+                       { "mpega",              "audio/x-mpeg" },
+                       { "mpg",                "video/mpeg" },
+                       { "mpv2",               "video/mpeg2" },
+                       { "ms",                 "application/x-wais-source" },
+                       { "nc",                 "application/x-netcdf" },
+                       { "oda",                "application/oda" },
+                       { "pbm",                "image/x-portable-bitmap" },
+                       { "pct",                "image/pict" },
+                       { "pdf",                "application/pdf" },
+                       { "pgm",                "image/x-portable-graymap" },
+                       { "pic",                "image/pict" },
+                       { "pict",               "image/pict" },
+                       { "pls",                "audio/x-scpls" },
+                       { "png",                "image/png" },
+                       { "pnm",                "image/x-portable-anymap" },
+                       { "pnt",                "image/x-macpaint" },
+                       { "ppm",                "image/x-portable-pixmap" },
+                       { "ps",                 "application/postscript" },
+                       { "psd",                "image/x-photoshop" },
+                       { "qt",                 "video/quicktime" },
+                       { "qti",                "image/x-quicktime" },
+                       { "qtif",               "image/x-quicktime" },
+                       { "ras",                "image/x-cmu-raster" },
+                       { "rgb",                "image/x-rgb" },
+                       { "rm",                 "application/vnd.rn-realmedia" },
+                       { "roff",               "application/x-troff" },
+                       { "rtf",                "application/rtf" },
+                       { "rtx",                "text/richtext" },
+                       { "sh",                 "application/x-sh" },
+                       { "shar",               "application/x-shar" },
+                       { "smf",                "audio/x-midi" },
+                       { "snd",                "audio/basic" },
+                       { "src",                "application/x-wais-source" },
+                       { "sv4cpio",    "application/x-sv4cpio" },
+                       { "sv4crc",             "application/x-sv4crc" },
+                       { "swf",                "application/x-shockwave-flash" },
+                       { "t",                  "application/x-troff" },
+                       { "tar",                "application/x-tar" },
+                       { "tcl",                "application/x-tcl" },
+                       { "tex",                "application/x-tex" },
+                       { "texi",               "application/x-texinfo" },
+                       { "texinfo",    "application/x-texinfo" },
+                       { "tif",                "image/tiff" },
+                       { "tiff",               "image/tiff" },
+                       { "tr",                 "application/x-troff" },
+                       { "tsv",                "text/tab-separated-values" },
+                       { "txt",                "text/plain" },
+                       { "ulw",                "audio/basic" },
+                       { "ustar",              "application/x-ustar" },
+                       { "xbm",                "image/x-xbitmap" },
+                       { "xml",                "text/xml" },
+                       { "xpm",                "image/x-xpixmap" },
+                       { "xsl",                "text/xml" },
+                       { "xwd",                "image/x-xwindowdump" },
+                       { "wav",                "audio/x-wav" },
+                       { "svg",                "image/svg+xml" },
+                       { "svgz",               "image/svg+xml" },
+                       { "wbmp",               "image/vnd.wap.wbmp" },
+                       { "wml",                "text/vnd.wap.wml" },
+                       { "wmlc",               "application/vnd.wap.wmlc" },
+                       { "wmls",               "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript" },
+                       { "wmlscriptc", "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc" },
+                       { "wrl",                "x-world/x-vrml" },
+                       { "Z",                  "application/x-compress" },
+                       { "z",                  "application/x-compress" },
+                       { "zip",                "application/zip" } };
      * FilePart Constructor.
@@ -145,8 +280,25 @@
         if (contentType != null) {
             this.contentType = contentType;
         } else {
-            this.contentType = DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;
+                       this.contentType = DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;
+                       String fileName = partSource.getFileName();
+                       if ( fileName != null ) {
+                               int extensionIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
+                               if ( extensionIndex != -1 ) {
+                                       if ( extensionIndex + 1 < fileName.length() ) {
+                                               String extension = fileName.substring( 
extensionIndex + 1 );
+                                               for( int i = 0; i < 
MIME_TYPE_MAPPINGS.length; i++ ) {
+                                                       if ( extension.equals( 
+                                                               this.contentType = 
+                                                               break;
+                                                       }
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
         this.charset = charset;
@@ -298,6 +450,7 @@
             int len;
             while ((len = instream.read(tmp)) >= 0) {
                 out.write(tmp, 0, len);
+                               out.flush();
         } finally {
             // we're done with the stream, close it

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