
You want to create the FilePart manually and then add it to the MultipartPostMethod. Something like:

MultipartPostMethod mpm = new MultipartPostMethod( "http://localhost:8080/something"; );
FilePart part = new FilePart(name, file, contentType, charset);


On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 10:23 PM, Eric M Devlin wrote:

Hey Adrian,
  Ok, but what about what something below?

MultipartPostMethod mpm = new MultipartPostMethod( "http://localhost:8080"; +
"/something" );
mpm.addParameter( "A", new File( "/usr/dev/images/add.gif" ) );

How do I set the content type for the file? It seems either the
addParameter needs to return FilePart which would have to have setters
provided or an overloaded version of addParameter which accepted the content
type and charset.

public void addParameter(String parameterName, File parameterFile, String
contentType, String charset )

 -- or --
public FilePart addParameter(String parameterName, File parameterFile )

public void setContentType( String contentType )
public void setCharset( String charset )

I've got the code pulled into class but without a place to apply it's going
to be pretty useless. ;-> I think this is why I was putting the contentType
determination in the FilePart class it self. Just let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Sutton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:10 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: PATCH

Hi Eric, This isn't really something that should be included directly into HttpClient as HttpClient isn't intended to care about the actual content it sends and receives but just takes care of the actual HTTP protocol side of things. Adding auto-mime type detection would mean we'd also have to provide a way to configure the default mime-types etc, in other words it opens a whole can of worms.

However, this would be an excellent submission to the HttpClient
contrib package, particularly if we refactor it so that instead of
being a patch it's a complete class that extends FilePart to add the
functionality, then it could easily be used without any changes to
HttpClient.  Would you be happy with that course of action?  If so,
would you like to adapt the patch into a standalone class yourself or
would you like me to take a crack at it?  I don't mind either way.

Thanks a lot for the contribution, it will definitely be useful to a
number of people.


Adrian Sutton.

On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 12:46 PM, Eric M Devlin wrote:

This is a patch which will determine the content type if null based
file extension. I used the file extension mapping from
$TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml. As a side note, I'm having trouble sending
files. Any thoughts or a kick in the right direction would be helpful.
Thanks and Hope It Helps
<contentTypeByExtension.txt>------------------------------------------ -
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