Hey Mike, Adrian & Oleg
  Got it.  Thanks for the kick in the right direction.  I wasn't seeing
addPart.  Please find attached the contrib file.  Hope it helps someone
else.  I tried to make it as apacheish as possible if it needs any changes
just let me know.  Thanks to everyone working on httpclient.  It's been a
really nice find.  I'm using to at work, but I've gotten more out of it at


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Becke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 11:01 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: PATCH


You want to create the FilePart manually and then add it to the
MultipartPostMethod.  Something like:

MultipartPostMethod mpm = new MultipartPostMethod(
"http://localhost:8080/something";  );
FilePart part = new FilePart(name, file, contentType, charset);


On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 10:23 PM, Eric M Devlin wrote:

> Hey Adrian,
>   Ok, but what about what something below?
> MultipartPostMethod mpm = new MultipartPostMethod(
> "http://localhost:8080"; +
> "/something"  );
> mpm.addParameter( "A",        new File( "/usr/dev/images/add.gif" ) );
> How do I set the content type for the file?  It seems either the
> addParameter needs to return FilePart which would have to have setters
> provided or an overloaded version of addParameter which accepted the
> content
> type and charset.
> //MultipartPostMethod
> public void addParameter(String parameterName, File parameterFile,
> String
> contentType, String charset )
>  -- or --
> //MultipartPostMethod
> public FilePart addParameter(String parameterName, File parameterFile )
> //FilePart
> public void setContentType( String contentType )
> public void setCharset( String charset )
> I've got the code pulled into class but without a place to apply it's
> going
> to be pretty useless. ;->  I think this is why I was putting the
> contentType
> determination in the FilePart class it self.  Just let me know.
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Sutton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:10 PM
> To: Commons HttpClient Project
> Subject: Re: PATCH
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.FilePart
> Hi Eric,
> This isn't really something that should be included directly into
> HttpClient as HttpClient isn't intended to care about the actual
> content it sends and receives but just takes care of the actual HTTP
> protocol side of things.  Adding auto-mime type detection would mean
> we'd also have to provide a way to configure the default mime-types
> etc, in other words it opens a whole can of worms.
> However, this would be an excellent submission to the HttpClient
> contrib package, particularly if we refactor it so that instead of
> being a patch it's a complete class that extends FilePart to add the
> functionality, then it could easily be used without any changes to
> HttpClient.  Would you be happy with that course of action?  If so,
> would you like to adapt the patch into a standalone class yourself or
> would you like me to take a crack at it?  I don't mind either way.
> Thanks a lot for the contribution, it will definitely be useful to a
> number of people.
> Regards,
> Adrian Sutton.
> On Thursday, June 19, 2003, at 12:46  PM, Eric M Devlin wrote:
>> Hey,
>>   This is a patch which will determine the content type if null based
>> on
>> file extension.  I used the file extension mapping from
>> $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/web.xml.  As a side note, I'm having trouble sending
>> gif
>> files.  Any thoughts or a kick in the right direction would be
>> helpful.
>> Thanks and Hope It Helps
>> Eric
>> <contentTypeByExtension.txt>------------------------------------------
>> -
>> --------------------------
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