Here's the trace and what my proxy says on a browser run post for
comparison.  I looked through the trace and I'm not sure what the issue is,
I thought I might find it, but I didn't.  Thanks for any help you can


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Becke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 12:01 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: Cookie Issues


Cookies are automatically stored in an HttpClient's instance of 
HttpState.  If you use the same instance of HttpClient to execute the 
GET on the initial page and the POST all should be automatically handled.

Please post a wire log showing the GET and POST if the cookie handling 
continues to not work (see


> I guessing that I am not doing something right.  I have a site which has a
> session id that it sends as a cookie.  I get the cookie when I get the
> initial page.  I then have to send a post and send that cookie back.
> However I get back a error message from the server which says no session
> Now I did a trace and it just send back "HTTP/1.1 499 Data Error
> NoSessionId" Not very helpful.  
> Is there something that I need to do other than
> "client.getState().getCookies" when I get the first page to make sure that
> the cookies are sent back with the post data?
> Thanks,
> Ross Rankin

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