So a post.setRequestHeader should do the trick?  I'll give it a shot.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Becke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 1:51 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: Cookie Issues

The cookies appear to be working correctly. I think the problem is that 
the POST cgi requires a referer header.  Generally this is the URL of 
the page containing the HTML form doing the post.  Take a look at for more on the 
referer header.


Ross Rankin wrote:
> Here's the trace and what my proxy says on a browser run post for
> comparison.  I looked through the trace and I'm not sure what the issue
> I thought I might find it, but I didn't.  Thanks for any help you can
> provide.
> Ross
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Becke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 12:01 PM
> To: Commons HttpClient Project
> Subject: Re: Cookie Issues
> Ross,
> Cookies are automatically stored in an HttpClient's instance of 
> HttpState.  If you use the same instance of HttpClient to execute the 
> GET on the initial page and the POST all should be automatically handled.
> Please post a wire log showing the GET and POST if the cookie handling 
> continues to not work (see 
> Mike
>>I guessing that I am not doing something right.  I have a site which has a
>>session id that it sends as a cookie.  I get the cookie when I get the
>>initial page.  I then have to send a post and send that cookie back.
>>However I get back a error message from the server which says no session
> id.
>>Now I did a trace and it just send back "HTTP/1.1 499 Data Error
>>NoSessionId" Not very helpful.  
>>Is there something that I need to do other than
>>"client.getState().getCookies" when I get the first page to make sure that
>>the cookies are sent back with the post data?
>>Ross Rankin
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