-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Lenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 7:09 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: [VFS|HttpClient] Re: [VFS] Crashes in getContent()

Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:
> Adam,
> We will be more than happy to play by the rules, as long as they are clearly 
> articulated and agreed upon, not just imposed upon us. There is one thing I really 
> have an issue with: why do we have to have separate CVS modules per version under 
> development, where a more natural way for me (very GUMP illiterate person) is to 
> have a CVS branch per version being developed. It may happen that we will end up 
> having yet another development stream in addition to version 2.0 and 2.1 
> development. Would that require yet another CVS module to remain GUMP friendly?

Nobody said that you need a cvs module per development branch (and I have no 
idea where you'd get that from...). Gump lets you specify CVS branches/tags, 
it's just that many "Gump folks" see such requests as a sign of something 
else going wrong (for example, projects not playing nicely with the others). 
That being said, it would probably make sense to set up a 
commons-httpclient-2.0 project in gump, which would be based on the 
maintenance branch.


(The name "Gump" is not an abbreviation BTW)

> Or am I just missing something? Please advise.
> Oleg
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam R. B. Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 6:30 PM
> To: Commons HttpClient Project
> Subject: Re: [VFS|HttpClient] Re: [VFS] Crashes in getContent()
> Oleg wrote:
>>Adam, with all due respect let me point out that we have stable
>>HTTPCLIENT_2_0_BRANCH branch that should be used by those who need API
>>and/or code stability. If GUMP cannot be configured to use any other CVS
> branch but
>>HEAD, this is a totally different kind of a problem, and it should be
> brought up to GUMP
>>folks, not to us.
> Gump can be configured, but it is community configured, and your project has
> selected this configuration.
> I am (very recently) a "gump folk", although still learning -- and these
> opionions are most definately, my own -- however I think we are discussing
> "Gump ettiquette". I think your project unwittingly did something a bit
> unfriendly, and I'd like to cultivate a "gump how-to" or
> "how-to-be-a-friend-of-gump" that helps you/other projects from doing the
> same in the future.
> I care because I feel Gump supports inter-community respect, and project
> collaboration, and I want projects to depend upon each other more, not less.
> Gump's philosophy is to use CVS HEAD, and does so by default. You could've
> set your project to use the stable tag, but without it you involved all your
> dependees in any major changes. Now debatably this is a good thing, it helps
> you find the problems, but as your list of dependees gets long (and I hope
> it does :-) and if things fail, then this stops a whole sub-tree of Gump
> from Gumping ... and hence is detrimental to the community. As such, a
> separate transition project (one for stable, one for CVS HEAD) allows you
> and sub-projects to decide when to "test the new stuff" and you (via
> aliasing) can decide "when to flip the switch".
> As for having unit tests run in the gump project, there are three schools of
> thought. First says don't do them, Gump is for compiling -- unit tests cost
> Gump CPU, but I disagree -- and I hope most folks do. Second is -- add them
> to your main project. Third says -- create a separate xxx-test project for
> your unit tests. The logic behind the third (which I am becoming a fan of)
> is that dependees can then chose to depend upon xxx or also upon xxx-test.
> Typically unit tests are very strict, so depending upon xxx-test might cause
> wasted gumping (a compile error might not be found due to some obscure unit
> test failing), so folks would normally not depend upon xxx-test (their
> yyy-test would find it) unless they felt xxx was unstable, and then they
> could.
> I think these are nuance of using Gump that escapes most Gump project
> configurer [I am just getting them], and I think it needs to be address via
> some sort of "FriendOfGump" guidelines documentation on Gump. I am copying
> the Gump list for their input, and if a conscensus is there I'll try to
> write up the documentaton.
> regards
> Adam
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