On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Adam R. B. Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However, most of my statement (and now question) is about
> friend-of-gump behaviour, and having that project is good, but not
> "friendly" 'cos it forces work onto sub-projects.

I'm not sure.

> Do you not agree that the project should manage itself, should
> create the new (temporarily unstable) codebase as the sub-named
> project, and should either alias (via <project
> name="commons-httpclient" .. <depend
> name="commons-httpclient-old-stable-branch" inherit="all") or rename
> projects in order to manage it for folk?

It would be nice if they did.

Many projects consider Gump either a community service maintained by
others (most committers don't even know they have commit access to the
jakarta-gump module) or a nuisance.

I think it is perfectly legitimate for a project to move forward and
break backwards compatibility after a deprecation period that's been
long enough and included at least one stable release.  Whether such a
project decides to move forward in CVS HEAD or in a branch is up to
its committers.  If they manage its Gump descriptor to take the
problem into account is a different issue - see above.


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