I agree with Oleg here. The real problem is the inability to terminate a request and force close a connection. Having this functionality would help in this case as well as many others.


Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
I think the shortest example to demonstrate HTTPClient looping endlessly is pointing to a chargen-Service:

Enable chargen in inetd an try to access http://localhost:19/

It really does not matter from which side (server/client/user) the problem arises, but it is HttpClient's job to handle such situations.

I agree that HttpClient must be able to allow the user to handle
endless/malformed streams. Unfortunately I cannot agree with the
solution you propose.

HttpConnection (and HttpClient in general), in my humble opinion, should
make no assumptions about an input stream being 'too long/endless/not
right'. This kind of assumption is application specific and should be
enforced by that particular application. I always strongly object
incorporation of code into a general purpose library that is relevant
for a marginal number of users.

I believe that the problem would be much better solved by providing a
generic mechanism to terminate HTTP requests/HTTP responses.


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