On 2/2/04 2:00 PM, "Srinivas Vemula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
>       We are seeing thread leaks when having client open connections to a web
> server that hangs. Has any one seen this happening?? How do we ensure that the
> library correctly closes  socket connections on failures, cleaning up system
> resources, and  threads actually finish in  the timeout period and get freed
> up. Would using MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager
> <file:///D:/silkroad/http-commons/commons-httpclient-2.0-rc3/docs/threading.ht
> ml#MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager>   be of any help??

Hi Srini,
If you're using the same HttpClient instance across multiple threads, you
must use the MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager or you'll run into strange
problems.  If you're using separate HttpClient instances, you may as well
stick with the single threaded (default) connection manager.

In terms of connections hanging - you probably want to look into the
setConnectionTimeout and setTimeout methods of the HttpClient class.  These
allow you to control how long HttpClient waits when making a connection and
how long it waits for data once the connection is established.  If you have
set either of these to 0 (not sure what the default is, it may be platform
specific) the connection will never timeout which sounds a lot like what
you're seeing.

Mike and Oleg, the stack trace Srini included indicates that HttpClient is
attempting to create a new timeout thread on every connection - does this
always occur or is it just one timeout thread per httpclient instance?  It
would be ideal if we could reduce this to one static thread as starting
threads is never nice for server side apps.  Not sure how feasible that is

> Srini


Adrian Sutton.

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