Windows Profile attached. Any help would be appreciated

Windows XP on P-M 1.4
Flat profile of 3.44 secs (322 total ticks): main

  Interpreted + native   Method                        
  7.5%     0  +    24
  7.2%     0  +    23
  1.3%     0  +     4
  0.6%     0  +     2
  0.6%     0  +     2    java.lang.System.arraycopy
  0.6%     1  +     1<init>
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.reflect.Field.copy
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.util.HashMap.hash
  0.3%     0  +     1
  0.3%     0  +     1    sun.misc.URLClassPath$5.<init>
  0.3%     1  +     0    org.apache.log4j.Priority.isGreaterOrEqual
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.String.<init>
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.<init>
  0.3%     0  +     1    sun.nio.cs.UTF_8.newDecoder
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.String.substring
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.<init>
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.util.HashMap.transfer
  0.3%     0  +     1    sun.text.ComposedCharIter.decomposition
  0.3%     0  +     1
  0.3%     0  +     1
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.lang.String.<init>
  0.3%     0  +     1
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.StringCoding$CharsetSE.encode
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.lang.String.regionMatches
 28.8%    10  +    82    Total interpreted (including elided)

     Compiled + native   Method                        
 15.6%     9  +    41    java.lang.String.getChars
  7.5%    24  +     0    sun.nio.cs.US_ASCII$Decoder.decodeArrayLoop
  6.6%    12  +     9    java.lang.String.<init>
  3.8%    12  +     0    java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.decode
  3.4%    11  +     0    java.lang.Integer.toUnsignedString
  2.8%     9  +     0    sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read0
  2.8%     9  +     0    java.nio.Buffer.position
  2.8%     7  +     2    java.lang.StringBuffer.append
  2.8%     9  +     0    java.util.HashMap.get
  2.5%     8  +     0    java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap
  1.9%     6  +     0    java.nio.Buffer.<init>
  1.6%     0  +     5    java.lang.StringBuffer.insert
  1.6%     5  +     0    sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.implRead
  1.3%     4  +     0    org.apache.commons.httpclient.Wire.wire
  1.3%     1  +     3    java.lang.StringBuffer.expandCapacity
  0.9%     3  +     0    sun.nio.cs.US_ASCII$Decoder.decodeLoop
  0.9%     3  +     0    java.nio.charset.CoderResult$Cache.get
  0.9%     3  +     0    java.nio.CharBuffer.put
  0.9%     3  +     0    java.nio.Buffer.limit
  0.9%     3  +     0    java.lang.StringBuffer.append
  0.6%     2  +     0    java.util.HashMap.hash
  0.6%     2  +     0
  0.6%     2  +     0    java.lang.Integer.equals
  0.3%     0  +     1    org.apache.log4j.Category.log
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.nio.CharBuffer.arrayOffset
 66.6%   152  +    61    Total compiled (including elided)

  Thread-local ticks:
  0.6%     2             Blocked (of total)
  0.6%     2             Class loader
  1.3%     4             Interpreter
  2.8%     9             Compilation

Flat profile of 0.01 secs (1 total ticks): DestroyJavaVM

  Thread-local ticks:
100.0%     1             Blocked (of total)

Global summary of 3.45 seconds:
100.0%   345             Received ticks
  5.8%    20             Received GC ticks
  4.1%    14             Compilation
  0.3%     1             Other VM operations
  0.6%     2             Class loader
  1.2%     4             Interpreter

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