> I am running the same code on both boxes, even the same JAR file. I am
> not sure why crypto is involved as I was only retrieving content over
> HTTP. I used the HttpClient to download a zip file off a Web server in
> the LAN. It should take no time to download it.

Ben, the performance problem seems to have nothing to do with the network I/O. It 
looks like your application spends more time computing SHA hashes than actually 
marshalling the data across the wire. You are not using SSL or NTLM authentication by 
any chance?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Wong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:10
To: 'Commons HttpClient Project'
Subject: RE: GetMethod Performance

I am running the same code on both boxes, even the same JAR file. I am
not sure why crypto is involved as I was only retrieving content over
HTTP. I used the HttpClient to download a zip file off a Web server in
the LAN. It should take no time to download it.

With the wire log, I have actually removed the log4j.properties file
completely from the class path, so it shouldn't be affecting the
performance should it?


-----Original Message-----
From: Kalnichevski, Oleg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2004 8:12 PM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: RE: GetMethod Performance

The profiles obviously differ quite a bit. For instance the methods
below that consume a significant portion of the execution time on
Solaris platform take virtually no time on WinXP. Are they executed at
all? Are you sure you execute exactly the same code on both platforms?
Anyhow, as Roland said, the problem is clearly related to crypto
algorithms on the Solaris platform.

= Solaris ================================================
  Interpreted + native   Method
  5.6%    18  +     6    java.math.BigInteger.mulAdd
  3.3%    14  +     0    sun.security.provider.SHA.computeBlock
  3.0%    13  +     0    java.math.BigInteger.addOne
  2.8%    11  +     1    sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read

One additional note: please make sure that you have debug/wire log
turned off when conducting performance measurement, otherwise you simply
end up measuring the speed of console output


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Wong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 23:40
To: 'Commons HttpClient Project'
Subject: RE: GetMethod Performance

Windows Profile attached. Any help would be appreciated

Windows XP on P-M 1.4
Flat profile of 3.44 secs (322 total ticks): main

  Interpreted + native   Method                        
  7.5%     0  +    24    java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0
  7.2%     0  +    23    java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect
  1.3%     0  +     4    java.net.Inet4AddressImpl.lookupAllHostAddr
  0.6%     0  +     2    java.io.WinNTFileSystem.getBooleanAttributes
  0.6%     0  +     2    java.lang.System.arraycopy
  0.6%     1  +     1    java.net.URL.<init>
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.reflect.Field.copy
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.util.HashMap.hash
  0.3%     0  +     1
  0.3%     0  +     1    sun.misc.URLClassPath$5.<init>
  0.3%     1  +     0    org.apache.log4j.Priority.isGreaterOrEqual
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.String.<init>
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.<init>
  0.3%     0  +     1    sun.nio.cs.UTF_8.newDecoder
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.String.substring
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.<init>
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.util.HashMap.transfer
  0.3%     0  +     1    sun.text.ComposedCharIter.decomposition
  0.3%     0  +     1    sun.security.x509.AlgorithmId.derEncode
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.security.SecureClassLoader.getPermissions
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.lang.String.<init>
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind
  0.3%     0  +     1    java.lang.StringCoding$CharsetSE.encode
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.lang.String.regionMatches
 28.8%    10  +    82    Total interpreted (including elided)

     Compiled + native   Method                        
 15.6%     9  +    41    java.lang.String.getChars
  7.5%    24  +     0    sun.nio.cs.US_ASCII$Decoder.decodeArrayLoop
  6.6%    12  +     9    java.lang.String.<init>
  3.8%    12  +     0    java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.decode
  3.4%    11  +     0    java.lang.Integer.toUnsignedString
  2.8%     9  +     0    sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read0
  2.8%     9  +     0    java.nio.Buffer.position
  2.8%     7  +     2    java.lang.StringBuffer.append
  2.8%     9  +     0    java.util.HashMap.get
  2.5%     8  +     0    java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap
  1.9%     6  +     0    java.nio.Buffer.<init>
  1.6%     0  +     5    java.lang.StringBuffer.insert
  1.6%     5  +     0    sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.implRead
  1.3%     4  +     0    org.apache.commons.httpclient.Wire.wire
  1.3%     1  +     3    java.lang.StringBuffer.expandCapacity
  0.9%     3  +     0    sun.nio.cs.US_ASCII$Decoder.decodeLoop
  0.9%     3  +     0    java.nio.charset.CoderResult$Cache.get
  0.9%     3  +     0    java.nio.CharBuffer.put
  0.9%     3  +     0    java.nio.Buffer.limit
  0.9%     3  +     0    java.lang.StringBuffer.append
  0.6%     2  +     0    java.util.HashMap.hash
  0.6%     2  +     0    java.io.InputStreamReader.read
  0.6%     2  +     0    java.lang.Integer.equals
  0.3%     0  +     1    org.apache.log4j.Category.log
  0.3%     1  +     0    java.nio.CharBuffer.arrayOffset
 66.6%   152  +    61    Total compiled (including elided)

  Thread-local ticks:
  0.6%     2             Blocked (of total)
  0.6%     2             Class loader
  1.3%     4             Interpreter
  2.8%     9             Compilation

Flat profile of 0.01 secs (1 total ticks): DestroyJavaVM

  Thread-local ticks:
100.0%     1             Blocked (of total)

Global summary of 3.45 seconds:
100.0%   345             Received ticks
  5.8%    20             Received GC ticks
  4.1%    14             Compilation
  0.3%     1             Other VM operations
  0.6%     2             Class loader
  1.2%     4             Interpreter

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