Roland Weber wrote:
If the latter is true, there still might be a platform-independent class
somewhere in sun.* or com.sun.*.

Roland, you can safely call the sun.* and com.sun.* packages platform/implementation dependent. Apple have their own Java implementation, which is based on Sun's. If you are using implementations from IBM or BEA: They have no sun.* packages at all. Using sun packages ties your code tightly to a specific Java implementation. That is even worse than using native code, which is still portable among Java implementations.

If JNI is an option, you must of course provide a specific JNI module for every supported platform. This is not a bad thing. If you had used any other language you would have needed to do it as well. You can write your application such that it runs on any platform and can use the automatic NT credentials on supported platforms only. Think of it as a plug-in.

Ortwin Glück

 NOSE applied intelligence ag

 ortwin glück                      [www]
 software engineer
 hardturmstrasse 171               [pgp id]           0x81CF3416
 8005 zürich                       [office]      +41-1-277 57 35
 switzerland                       [fax]         +41-1-277 57 12

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