I got a sample signed applet working that is given at the links you specified.
but need help using it with HttpClient...
Pl let me know if somebody already worked with applet using HttpClient.

Roland Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Srinivas,

java.sun.com seems to be down or overloaded, but
I found this link in Google about signed applets:


Once java.sun.com is back up, these links could be useful for you:

hope that helps,

Srinivas Velidanda 
07.10.2004 15:33
Please respond to
"Commons HttpClient Project"


Re: HttpClient query...



I am running into problems, as you have mentioned, i was trying to work 
with an Applet. Couldn't set security permissions and even if I set the 
permissions there could be problems with setting the user credentials.

I do not know how I can make the applet access the files at client side.

So, pl let me know how can I create a multipart request using HttpClient 
api or 

--how can I read the files from the file system once I get the drive and 
directory names from the client by using javascript, I searched the 
internet but couldn't find any samples to generate html form using 
javascript and that must create file items dynamically by reading the 
files from the file system.

I thought of all the options that I could, but not getting a solution, 
which is very urgent.

Pl. suggest me a solution.

thanks for the help,


Roland Weber wrote:
Hello Srinivas,

I think some people have succeeded in using HttpClient from
an applet. Remember you will have to sign the applet in order
to access the client file system. But you could run into problems
accessing the user credentials in the applet.

You could also try to write JavaScript code which generates
an HTML form, including one file element for every file in the
directory. In that case, the browser would take care of building
the HTTP request and adding user credentials. The problem
once more is to access the file system from the script code.

Using a combination of both could work out. It is possible to
call JavaScript from an applet and vice versa. So you could
write (and sign!) an applet that creates a directory listing, then
use that listing in JavaScript to create a form which is then
posted by the browser to the server.

Other ideas?


Srinivas Velidanda 
06.10.2004 13:43
Please respond to
"Commons HttpClient Project"


Re: HttpClient query...


Thanks for your help.

I found the samples specified by you very much useful.

I got it working with my JSP by sending user credential parameters which 
were required at my server.

Now the problem is making the same with an applet as it is not working 
from remote client accessing the JSP.

The flow is like this.

I have a screen where I enter drive name, and directory to be uploaded and 

in the next JSP I get the files of specified folder and create multipart 
request and send to the server along with User credentials.

Everything is working fine on the system which both client and server are 
running. But If I try the same from remote client then It is looking for 
files in the folder specified by client in server which is generating null 

pointer exception.

Now I need to make the functionality of creating the multipart request at 
client side, I am planning to do it in the applet.

Is it the right way to go for an applet, or can you suggest me some other 


Roland Weber wrote:
Hello Srinivas,

you are using HttpClient from within a JSP to connect to
the server that is running the JSP? Or to a different server?

If you want to set request parameters, you don't do that
before creating the multipart request. You create the
multipart request, then add the parameters using
MP.addParameter(..) or MP.addPart(...).
Just make sure to add all required parameters before
you *execute* the method. See also the web site at


The sample code for multipart file upload is for the
2.0 API, but it should be helpful anyway. Go straight
to the "actionPerformed" method:



Srinivas Velidanda 
05.10.2004 14:00
Please respond to
"Commons HttpClient Project"

Commons HttpClient Project 

Re: HttpClient query...

Hi Roland, 
thanks for the reply.

I am new to this API and pl let me know how can I do the following.

1. can I set the same parameters coming from the session before creating 
Multipart request to the Multipart request, if yes, how can I set and how 
can these parameters can be referred at the server side.

2.I am getting the session parameters in the JSP where I am creating 
Multipart request, but once I post the Multipart request to the server the 

session is getting killed.

We are not working with cookies.

Is there a solution without using cookies or I must go for cookies..



Roland Weber wrote:
Hello Srinivas,

if the session is handled by a session cookie, just make sure
you use the same HttpState object for all requests. That should
happen automagically if you do nothing special and re-use one
HttpClient for all requests.

If the server uses URL rewriting because it believes that the
client can't handle cookies, you have a problem. You will have
to parse server responses in order to extract URLs with the
session information encoded in them. Or convince the server
to send cookies.

hope that helps,

Srinivas Velidanda 
05.10.2004 13:32
Please respond to
"Commons HttpClient Project"


HttpClient query...


I am using HttpClient (commons-httpclient-3.0-alpha2) api for file upload.

How to handle a session if I am creating a MultipartPost request in a JSP 
and posting the request using client.executeMethod(mPost) to a servlet 

Once I send the request the session is getting killed and could not pass 
on the request to a specific handler in sequence..

Pl. let me know how to handle the session, if possible send me some sample 

code for that.

thanks in advance..


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