On 08/10/2004, at 5:21 PM, Srinivas Velidanda wrote:


can I get the sample java code to make the signed applet with HttpClient.

No unfortunately we develop a commercial product so I can't release the code. However, the usage of HttpClient is exactly the same in an applet as an application. You do however need to make sure the applet is signed and that you are using at least Java 1.3 (ie: you can't be using the Microsoft JVM that is the default in Windows IE). When you load the applet it should bring up a security dialog asking if you want to give the applet permission to run, click yes and you have full permissions.

If you don't see that dialog then the applet isn't correctly signed.



Adrian Sutton

Intencha "tomorrow's technology today"
Ph: 3420 4584 0422236329
35 Prenzler St
Upper Mount Gravatt 4122
Australia QLD

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