Dear Members,

    we are using Commons-net version 1.0.0 in our project. Recently my 
management took a decision to migrate the application from websphere 4.0 to 
websphere 6.0. I have a few queries regarding the compatabily of the 
Commons-lang freeware on the new platform. could you please provide this 

1.Is Commons-net version 1.0.0  compatible with websphere6.0 or JDK 1.4 or J2EE 

2. Are there any third porties who provide commercial support for commons 
components i.e. net or lang or httpclient or discovery.

3. I couldnt find information of user base of this commons utilities. could you 
please help me in providing this info

4. Do u strongly recommend us to upgrade the version of commons net

Please reply ASAP

Thanks and Regards,


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