Hi Mario.

Here is an update on the HttpClient testing I've done.

>>> The problems is I think I need to use 2 different user IDs and
>>> passwords to get to the data.
>> I understand exactly what you meant. The problem is, I dont know yet
>> how to do this double login with httpclient (the library used for
>> access)

I've been playing around with HttpClient 3.0.1 (stable release) for a
while now and it looks like you can do the double authentication. (well
authentication to a site plus proxy authentication) I don't think the
version of HttpClient that is being used with the current version of VFS
(HttpClient version 2.0.2) can do it though.

>> What type of authentication do the proxy use? Is it a simple http
>> basic  one (e.g. the login popup) or a special html page you have to
>> and submit?
> Our company uses Microsoft ISA so I gather it would be using either
> or Kerberos authentication. We have an all Windows environment and the
> proxy authentication is transparent, thus my reasoning of the above
> authentication methods.
>> If you can came up with an working example how to do this with
>> httpclient (http://jakarta.apache.org/httpcomponents/index.html) I'll
>> appreciate this and implement this in VFS as soon as possible.
>> The problem is, I have no time to take a look at it myself, sorry.

Our company has set up Microsoft ISA to use NTLM version 2 and Kerberos
as the authentication schemes for the proxy so even HttpClient 3.0.1
cannot get through (as it does basic, digest and NTLM version 1 only).

I believe HttpClient 3.1 can do it but that is currently only in an
alpha state so I don't think I'd use that just yet.

So I think I'm stuck on that front.

FTP is probably my best bet. (that, I know, isn't being proxied)

Anyway, I thought you'd like to know.

All the best,

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