> Hi Tony!
> > Hi... again. Sorry. You must be getting sick and tired of me. :-)
> >
> Not yet, though, we constantly moving forward until we reach the point
> where I am out of idea, I hope you are familiar with the debugger then

When I look at what you've done already I think I'm in over my head. :-)

> > I tried changing the cache to NullFilesCache like below:
> >
> Do not change the FilesCache. Anything else than the SoftRefFilesCache
> (which is the default) will cause memory leaks and other oddities.

OK, but using that caching strategy seems to cache files no matter what
(using ftp that is), even if I use:


So I gather the cache is still in effect when I use DefaultFileMonitor
to monitor the files.

Ie. Even though I want the FileObject's cache refreshed every time I
check the remote ftp file I think it's still cached.

This is how I've set up my DefaultFileMonitor:

  DefaultFileMonitor fm = new DefaultFileMonitor(new FileListener() {
    public void fileCreated(FileChangeEvent arg0) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("File created. " + arg0.getFile().getName());
    public void fileDeleted(FileChangeEvent arg0) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("File deleted. " + arg0.getFile().getName());
    public void fileChanged(FileChangeEvent arg0) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("File changed. " + arg0.getFile().getName());


And this is how I run my checks:

  try {
    for (int i = 0; 1 < 100; i++) {
      Thread.sleep(60000); //  1 minute
      System.out.println(file.getContent().getLastModifiedTime() + "  "
+ file.getName());
  } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

But the file.getContent().getLastModifiedTime() never changes.

Thanks again Mario for your help.

All the best,

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