>> Do not change the FilesCache. Anything else than the SoftRefFilesCache
>> (which is the default) will cause memory leaks and other oddities.
> OK, but using that caching strategy seems to cache files no matter what
> (using ftp that is), even if I use:
>   mgr.setCacheStrategy(CacheStrategy.ON_CALL);
There are two kind of caches in VFS, one which is responsible to hand
out the FileObject instance itself - where we try hard to hand out
always the same instance for the same file (=filename/filesystem
combination) and another cache inside the FileObject which holds stuff
like children and file informations.
The CacheStrategy tells the system when to refresh the second cache.

> This is how I've set up my DefaultFileMonitor:
Thanks for the code snipped. I tried it with the default
VFS.getManager() (without setting the CacheStrategy) and it works here
with my ftp server as expected.
I am pretty sure for your tests you do not use a delay of 60000, do you?
I tried it with 5000 (5 seconds) and get the events promptly.
But ...... I pointed the monitor to a directory ....

> And this is how I run my checks:
>   try {
>     for (int i = 0; 1 < 100; i++) {
>       Thread.sleep(60000); //  1 minute
>       System.out.println(file.getContent().getLastModifiedTime() + "  "
> + file.getName());
>     }
>   } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
>     ie.printStackTrace();
>   }
.... ok - got it. Its a bug in the FTPFileObject, unhappily I have no
workaround yet.
Could you please open a ticket at http://issues.appche.org/jira I'll see
if I can fix it soon.


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