Hi Ronald

> On 20 Aug 2020, at 18:23, Ronald F. Guilmette <r...@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
> In message <49bf4107-8fc6-4107-99f9-155c138ff...@gmail.com>, 
> Mike Silber <silber.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ad hominem attacks such as these are not welcome on this list or in this 
>> community.
>> While Mr Guilmette expressed his disappointment at the fact that his queries 
>> were not responded to in a transparent manner - I did not see any allegation 
>> such as you have made.
> I did far more than merely expressing my disappointment at the utter lack
> of transparency.  I said quite plainly that I have been stonewalled for
> months by AFRINIC management and staff AND that I have no idea why
> AFRINIC is (purportedly) being sued by Mr. Cohen, since AFRINIC management
> and staff have allowed Mr. Cohen to keep nearly 100% of his stolen booty
> for more than 8.5 months now.... a clear and provable fact for which
> no one has yet provided *any* explanation.  (Jan Vermeulen's big article
> about all of the thefts in AFRINIC was published on December 4th, 2019.
> That was actually a full 8.5 months ago!)

I noted your comments and I apologise if I did not repeat them in full.

I don’t think you have been stonewalled, rather I think the community has been 

I am aware of some of the hard work that has been going on behind the scenes to 
address these issues. I don’t think that your characterisation is correct, but 
from publicly available information - I understand why you hold that view!

I also do not understand why AfriNIC is so reticent about providing details of 
the litigation. I think its stems from a complete mis-understanding of the 
sub-juice rule. Still - if the AfriNIC CEO and Board are being provided with 
legal advice - there may be some reason why they do not release the papers. 
Possibly there is something specific to the Mauritian legal process - because I 
simply fail to understand the logic. I agree that it does not look good.
> Mike, rather than haranguing this A.T. Jane person for bad manners, why
> don't you, as a member of the community, start asking some of the questions
> that I have asked, and that management and the board are all clearly quite
> reluctant to provide answers

I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Why not both?

> for, such as:
>    *)  Why after 8.5 months have none of the legacy block illicit WHOIS
>    modifications been undone?  Who is responsible for un-doing these
>    illicit changes to the WHOIS and why hasn't that person been doing
>    their job?  Isn't Eddy the ultimate responsible party here?  What is
>    his excuse for allowing these problems to languish, with no end in
>    sight?

I am aware of a project underway. I think it will be useful if the community 
were given real detail and not vague platitudes.

>    *)  What is Mr. Cohen -actually- suing AFRINIC for?  AFRINIC management
>    and staff have -provably- allowed Mr. Cohen to keep nearly all of his
>    ill-gotten booty... all except the parts that the actual legacy holders
>    themselves took back (e.g. Sasol, the City of Cape Town, and Columbus
>    Stainless).  So why on earth would Cohen be suing AFRINIC?

Great Question - maybe AfriNIC’s counsel and actually provide the details, 
rather than making the CEO utter vague platitudes.
>    *) Why has every single reasonable request I have made, e.g. for historical
>    WHOIS information needed to complete my investigation of these matters,
>    been consistantly and 100% stonewalled by both Eddy and Madhvi?

Great question.
>    *) Who permanently "disappeared" part of the WHOIS history for the
> block, and why?
>    *)  Why is the legal complaint in this alleged legal action, by Mr. Cohen,
>    and against AFRINIC, being kept secret from both the public and even from
>    the dues-paying members of AFRINIC who have a clear right to see it?  And
>    why do the dues-paying members of AFRINIC even tolerate this attempt to
>    hide the facts which they have a right to know?  More to the point, who
>    is benefitting from this attempt by management and/or the board to hide
>    the full facts from the dues-paying members?

I suspect a judicious application of Hanlon’s Razor will give you your answer. 
However, I do understand why the unexplained secrecy leads you to further 
>    *)  Who did Mr. Cohen allegedly "buy" all of the stolen legacy blcoks from?
>    It had to be some AFRINIC insider... someone who could fiddle the WHOIS
>    records at will.  So who ELSE, in addition to Ernest, has been profiting
>    from the looting of AFRINIC?

I am not sure AfriNIC would have that information and I am not sure your 
conclusion is justified. Still - absent transparency, I do understand how you 
got there.
>    *)  Who else did Ernest implicate when he was confronted with the evidence
>    of his crimes by the board and management at the AFRINIC meeting in
>    Luanda, Angola in early December, 2019?

How do you know anyone was implicated?
> Mike, rather than spending your electrons chastizing list posters for
> their bad manners, wouldn't it be a more productive use of your time
> to join me in seeking answers to the above unanswered questions?  Don't
> you think that it is about time that this colossal mess and this colossal
> and ongoing scandal finally got cleaned up, and isn't it already well
> past time for the full facts to be revealed and disclosed, at least to
> the dues-paying members?

I am happy to add my voice to yours, while expressing my disgust as to how a 
colleague has been treated, without any justification.



> Or should things just continue to go on they way they have been, with
> AFRINIC still crooked and still a worldwide object of scorn and ridicule?
> It's your RiR and your choice.  The members can just continue to turn a
> blind eye to all of this, but you cannot now do so without without knowing,
> for certain, that MANY facts and answers are being deliberately hidden.
> Regards,
> rfg
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