Dear Ronald,
I will not comment on the case or anything further. 
"To be blunt, I am frankly appalled that all of you folks in the AFRINIC region 
seem to be carrying on with "business as usual" when it is so abundantly 
self-evident that both AFRINIC management and the AFRINIC board are so clearly 
still covering up for thefts and for thieves."
Your bluntness with "all of you folks in the AFRINIC region" is rude. I write 
to let you know that your statement is inaccurate. I do not believe either that 
it is appropriate and a sign of leadership to push someone dealing with a hot 
situation, into the fire.
"Whose interests are being served, and who is being protected by your refusal 
to share copies of Mr. Cohen's legal filing against AFRINIC even with the 
people who pay your salary, i.e. the dues-paying members of AFRINIC who are 
also being sued?  Are you refusing to release copies of the legal complaint in 
order to protect Mr. Cohen?  The Board? Someone else?"
We all have standards of responsible behavior to uphold.  When someone comes to 
a public place with this type of politics, all his hard work becomes 
meaningless. It does not hurt to tame one's opinions and take the time to offer 
well thought out information.
"AFRINC being sued"
The information was seen on twitter few months ago. What worries the most is:
"In a notice sent to individuals and organisations that hold IP addresses in 
the African region, AFRINIC CEO Eddy Kayihura stated that an application for an 
interim injunction against AFRINIC was brought before the Commercial Division 
of the Supreme Court of Mauritius."
Does AfriNIC have data classification and information exchange policies? If so, 
is the CEO's notice sent to “individuals and organisations” meant to be public?
Yours respectfully.
Jean-Robert Hountomey
-----Original Message-----
From: "Ronald F. Guilmette" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 6:39pm
To: "Eddy Kayihura" <>
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Ongoing thefts of AFRINIC Legacy Resources -- 
Ongoing collusion?


I confess that I am still entirely perplexed by your inability and/or
unwillingness to answer the questions I have raised until next Wednesday,
the 26th of August. What exactly is the significance of that date?
Are you trying to time your responses so that they will coincide with
the planned international celebrations of the humiliating defeat of
France at the Battle of Crecy in 1346? Or do you need some time to
coordinate, before replying, with other AFRINIC insiders to make sure
that you all have your stories straight, and that you will all give
the same answers when pressed about these matters?

Setting that aside, perahps you will at least answer one single question
for me without delay:

Whose interests are being served, and who is being protected by your
refusal to share copies of Mr. Cohen's legal filing against AFRINIC
even with the people who pay your salary, i.e. the dues-paying members
of AFRINIC who are also being sued? Are you refusing to release copies
of the legal complaint in order to protect Mr. Cohen? The Board?
Someone else?


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