Dear Eddy,
We am so sorry you are going through this.  We write to let you know that you 
are not alone. Many people are actively monitoring the situation and understand 
that you have inherited  difficult affairs. 
Recent emails remind us of the hummingbird's story and "The Man in the Arena" 
from President Roosevelt. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who 
points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have 
done them better…."
We also understand that you need the less, a toxic climate, unnecessary 
pressure, opinions that lead nowhere but into a slippery path. Haste leads to 
errors, and one should not rush into action to appear decisive. We get that a 
party providing excessive details publicly on a court case to people who are 
not even mandated may do so at his peril.
Thank you for doing your best.
With understanding.
Jean-Robert Hountomey.
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