
On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 8:48 PM Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:

> What is more baffling is that its a lot of space and guess what, the
> members doesn't seem to have a known ASN.
> Please point me to the section of the CPM which requires a member holding
> IPv4 number resources to have an ASN.

The CPM does not impose that a member holding IPv4 should have an ASN since
there are valid scenarios for not having an ASN.

FWIW, an LIR in Afrinic documentation means: “*Any Network Operator that
provides Internet services to distinct end-users and end-sites.*” In the
same context, LIRs are allocated  IPv4 space of type Provider Aggregatable
“Allocated PA”.

While an LIR may not have the need to run BGP and express unique routing
policy distinct from the ones of its providers, there is a requirement to
operate a network and offer internet services which use the IP addresses
assigned to the end-users. Such a scenario is easily traceable and provable.

This is not the case here, where an LIR does not run a network to serve the
users to whom IP addresses are assigned to. We’ve seen LoA's and hijacking
and misappropriation of the ASNs by those trying to use these
"assignments". The evidence is publicly available.

Maybe the conversation to have is about the type of network and services
this LIR is operating and offering, to determine if they need an ASN or not.


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