> From: Rodent of Unusual Size [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> * On 2002-10-26 at 10:05,
>   Andrew C. Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> excited the electrons to say:
> >
> > View 3: Close the list to all except members and committers.
> i think that's a bit more negatively stated than necessary.  try:
> 'allow posting by committers, members, and invitees, and restrict
> access to the archives to the subscribers.'
> something that just occurred to me: this ends up being less
> approaching my intent than i thought, since even committers and
> members won't be able to see the archives unless they're
> subscribed.  *that's* certainly not what i want to see happen.

This isn't a general user list, so being open just increases the noise. This
is a list for people who are actively involved with ASF projects (as defined
by their ability to commit), and who have an interest in the development of
the foundation. We should have public record; but an open archive doesn't
necessarily help, so I would propose that summaries of pertinent discussion
be made public, periodically.

Whilst i agree with Sam -- we do have to be open -- we're still a closed
foundation, one that benefits from it's meritocracy of interested experts.
(I wonder what i'm doing here then :)). That means to me that it is OUR
foundation we have to look after -- and to look after each other -- and not
a place for end users to jump into straight away.

I guess in these early stages I consider community@apache.org kinda like a
"staff-line" news bulletin. News to the troops, discussion, general
information. apache information. Not really a vehical that we use to
communicate to users. That's [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -- james

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