> I would like to propose the creation of such a virtual host so that all
> apache homepages will be hosted at
>   http://community.apache.org/~name
> and
>   http://www.apache.org/~name
>   http://cvs.apache.org/~name
> are automatically redirected there.

>                                         - o -
> These homepages should at least contain:
>   1) short bio
>   2) picture (possibly funny)
>   3) sound file with the person pronouncing their name (so hopefully
> people will stop mispronouncing names! like mine, for example!)
>   4) interests and projects currently worked on.

Lets leave the content up to the individual.  This will probably evolve
anyway as more people read other committers pages and decide what they
like and what they don't like.

-John K

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