On Wednesday 27 November 2002 21:34, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>. . .
> I would like to propose the creation of such a virtual host so that all
> apache homepages will be hosted at
>   http://community.apache.org/~name
>. . .

+ 1 for creating this virtual host 

Minor detail, but maybe the ~ can be made optional or removed?

-1 on requirements for contents, I think suggestions are ok though.

About legal issues: maybe content should be restricted to bio and 
apache-related stuff only, as might be the case when a company lets employees 
create personal pages on the company's web site.

 Bertrand Delacrétaz (codeconsult.ch, jfor.org)

 buzzwords: XML, java, XSLT, Cocoon, FOP, mentoring/teaching/coding.
 blogspace http://www.codeconsult.ch/bertrand

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