Sander Striker wrote:
> My point is that quite a number of people won't have the time
> (or inclination) to do so.  And because they don't, they aren't
> listed*.
> Currently the list (auto created) on Kens page holds about
> 40 committers.  How many committers do we have in total?
> Somewhere between 550 and 600.  40 isn't exactly an accurate
> representation of our community, is it?

so the issue is painting the list as being representative, then?
fine; we just mark it as 'asf people who have bothered to list
pages here.'

> I'm not.  I'm just saying that on the members page _all_ members
> are listed.

what's the relevance?  the members page says 'these are the members'.
i don't recall seeing anyone say the list of ~name pages was to
be labeled 'these are the asf committers'.  quite otherwise, in fact;
i've seen suggestions that it be clearly marked as incomplete and

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