Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Santiago Gala wrote:

I'm not a GIS expert at all, and I'm not sure if I understand. I'm
currently downloading the jar you pointed us to, to know more.

Essentially the url demo.asemantics.com/wms/asf?request=GetCapabilities
gives you metadata - in there you find that you can get jpegs and png's
and that there is a layer 'comloc'.

You then request lat-lon boxes from a layer as gif or png's. You do
this from several servers; overlay them and present them.

Ok, I'm beginning to understand :-)

But because each request is a simple URL it is very easy to make
very dynamic web interfaces with little more than <img src="...

We should probably need a tool to merge several images into one, I imagine.

xplanet can be "sliced" to show only parts of the world. So we could
have a "fixed" imagemap with zones, also generated at a bigger scale, or
use the xplanet images as background for the WMS map.

Ah nice.

Ben started rather "static" WRT display. I'm just adding tooltips and
links to the URLs given.

I saw that. Nice.

The map1 variant would need to be recalculated to show "true" nigh and
day, something like once an hour, at least. It also uses "available.gif"

Or have one for each hour (and regenerate them once a month).

from the apache distribution icons reduced to half size. It could be
turned to "unavailable.gif" following criteria like jabber presence,
etc. This would call for a fully dynamic app (rebuilding when a
committer signs on or off), or at least something that rebuilds every
few minutes.

Right; we use Secure Dynamic DNS for that inside our company.

If we want to keep it mostly static, I would say that having a regional
division where Things would get progressively bigger could be a
solution. The upper layer could be like map.jpg or map1.jpg is now. For
inner layers, either the zoom of xplanet or the GIS system could be used:

Ack - WMS also has a feature called 'GetFeatureInfo' which allows you to
query a point.

Click on Europe (very crowded), then you get only Europe. Ditto for the
States, Oceania, etc.

Right - that is why I did the WMS interface; so you can zoom into any

I think that, since Ben started it (and has ideas on how to proceed, I'm sure) I'll leave it here for the moment. I don't have a clear idea of the purpose of his experiment. I think if would fit as a/the index of the "home pages" stuff, if it ever comes up.

I'll clean a little bit, and commit (if it is clean enough) or send a patch with the "generate_map.pl" which generates the html file to the list, and the required changes to the Makefile.

When he is reading back he can keep on with what he wanted (post it at the web site regularly, change file formats to have separate URL for geolocation and content, a way to get permission to publish this, etc.)

For the moment, we have something (not perfect) that will allow to list names so that I can read them (my glasses got broken, I need new ones), and maybe go to a home page or show availability.

Anbody should feel free to show a more integrated demo playing with the Makefile or scripts, I don't think that Ben cares, unless we spoil the repository ;-) , for alternative/complementary code or ideas. This is what I have been doing, just jumping on his offering a little farther than just giving my coordinates :-)



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