> Certainly we need an official reading on
> but Classpath is specifically licensed as GPL, the least compatible
> license out there (not even a murkier LGPL).

The issues with GPL are well-known.

> The Classpath author adds an addendum to allow bundling of this library
> into an executable, but that still won't allow us to distribute jars in
> CVS or downloadable with source builds (never mind Java doesn't have
> executables).

I don't believe that to be a correct reading, but we can get additional
clarification from them.  AIUI, they intend for their binaries to be freely
distributable without constraint.

> I don't get these GPL people who license their work as GPL, but don't
> want the viral aspect...

I believe that they are trying to separate the licensing of the source code
vs. the binary.  If you want to use their SOURCE, you have to keep the
source code GPL; no proprietary changes.  If you just want to use their
BINARY, do with it as you wish, unencumbered.

In any case, the only issue in my mind is receiving their binary releases
unconstrained and unencumbered.

        --- Noel

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