At 01:31 PM 5/13/2003, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>Of course LSD hurts OpenSource!  People on LSD have impaired judgment and
>are prone to flights of fancy, including shared utopian faux philosophies.
>How could anyone argue that LSD doesn't hurt OpenSource?

I don't suppose anyone caught Stallman's response in the 3/24 issue of
Business Week, to the Linux article published on 3/3?

"Your story on the "Linux" operating system, which I have been developing 
since 1984, repeated a widespread error by calling the system Linux, 
because the name we gave it is "GNU."  In 1992, when GNU was nearly 
complete, Linus Torvalds released a free program that fit the last major gap.  
The combination, a system more GNU than Linux, is the system you mean.  
The practice of calling it Linux is unfair to us, but more important, it gives 
the public an incorrect picture of why the system exists."

Just consider this is what the business community read as fact.
What is certainly somewhat 'amusing' to us, in the same way Iraq's
minister of information's statements were 'amusing', aren't exactly
veiled in mystery.

So everyone running the GNU toolchain on BSD, I suppose you are
all running GNU/BSD :-?


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