And then we end up with 200 mailinglists, each getting a single message
per month/week/year. Verrrry efficient. Verrry german. I love it!
Everything in its neat little box. Stamped, filed, put away.

I liked the idea of a general "announce" list where all this stuff is
sent and let my mail client sort it out. This is the 21st century. If
you have bandwidth, disk space or download time concerns, you're either
not using the right technology or simply cannot keep up with the edge of
this fast moving technology.

I very much enjoyed the hard work that Tetsuya put into the newsletter
and I'm very sad to see him step down because of such puny reasons as to
which mailing list this newsletter should be sent.

H*ll, I get about 6000 mails per day. It's the job of a robot to make
sure that I won't get swamped in these but the most interesting / urgent
/ personal get filed in the right folders. If you try to keep up with
80ies methods (only send me small, non-html, right-marked, stamped and
adressed mail), you might want to consider using a fax. Or become a road
kill on the information highway. ;-)


On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 01:51, Erik Abele wrote:
> On 20/10/2003, at 01:40, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> >> The original intention of the newsletter was "Newsletter
> >> will be one of the *glue* of the communities in the ASF
> >> umbrella
> >
> >> ... It seems that the newsletter itself is going to the contrary.
> >
> > The newsletter is doing that job.  All that was asked is that you post 
> > an
> > announcement to announce@, not the entire contents.  Why is that a 
> > problem?
> > What problem do you have with a notice (an announcement)?  An 
> > announcement
> > of a thing is not the thing.
> Yes, and to simplify, I think the whole point with this is that when 
> you want to post the
> complete newsletter to some list, we should create a new, dedicated one 
> for it.
> Announce@ is for announcements, community@ for community musings, and 
> *perhaps*
> newsletter@ is for the newsletter. That's it, simple, eh?
> Cheers,
> Erik
> [ back in my cave and btw ;-) ]
> >     --- Noel
> >
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