Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
> Any by trying to build "an ideal world for yourself", you basically
> killed whatever enthusiasm or dedication Tetsuya showed. Because you
> offered no support or at least positive feedback but only "we don't like
> this format, this way of posting, this content, change it". I'd be
> frustrated, too.

i think this must be another cultural differences thing.  i think
the tone was a bit harder than it possibly ought to have been,
but i think the 'post a link instead' was meant to be constructive.
it was still trying to help get the information to the readers.

i think it's also a matter of expectations.  when i'm on a mailing
list, i don't expect -- nor appreciate -- 4MiB JPEGs being sent
to it unless that was very clearly stated on the list charter.
admittedly a 43k newletter isn't quite in the same realm, but
i think the question comes down to whether subscribers want nothing
'below the fold' (i.e., only one-screen messages) or not.  and we
can't really ask them.  we can maybe infer some of their preferences
by seeing the effect on subscriptions and reading complaints --
although i think the latter only go back to the announcement sender
for most of our announcement lists.

others' expectations are doubtless different.  lcd solutions suck,
but they're the only way to go if there are *no* expectations set.
so, the [unanswerable] question remains: did receiving the newsletter
on the announcement list fall within the subscribers' exxpectations?
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

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