On Jan 11, 2004, at 3:16 AM, Ted Leung wrote:

I've created a directory 'planet' in the committers CVS. It just contains the planet config file at the moment. In preparation for Tom's hosting coming on line, committers can add their entries by following my example.

Done. For those who want to set up categorized RSS feeds using MovableType, have a look at http://www.hutteman.com/weblog/2003/03/07-49.html

Ideally this wants to generated from some centralized record, but I'm willing to refactor the process as we go. I'll make a real announcement to committers@ once we get the hosting squared away.

Let me know if I can help.

Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source Java & XML            An Orixo Member
Read my weblog at            http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/
stevenn at outerthought.org                stevenn at apache.org

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