At 05:14 AM 4/17/2004, you wrote:
> Hmm. The new machines are right for the work. AFAIK, one of them is
> intended to be used only as mail server.

The new mail server is an IBM xSeries with dual Xeon processors and 2GB RAM.
The old mail server is a dual Pentium III.  Under the current "normal" load,
which includes dealing with spam, I rarely see less than 10% usage.  Often
it will spike to over 50% usage.  I just watched the system get entirely
consumed for a few minutes.  And that is on a Friday night with light load,
and without a major worm

> Instead of being afraid of the load, I think we really need to test it and
> see if the new machines can work with spamassassin or not.

That's already on the docket.

> > There is no reason in wasting precious CPU power for that.

> precious CPU power? I really want to see where we use it.
> From minotaur, right now

minotaur isn't the mail server.  And average isn't te problem.

The problem is when the worms are running.  I've got to chart it out
sometime, but we have been seeing a 4x higher than normal rate of spam for a
while now.  But that is a fraction of what we've seen when things get really
bad, and the mail server is backed up for hours.

Personally, I am in favor of blocking all DHCP pools at the interface, and
not allowing direct connections.  That is one of the lowest cost means of
stopping spambots running on Windows.  If they want to send e-mail, they
should be told to go through their ISP, company server, or get a static IP.

I for one, will no longer be able to participate if the Apache email server decides to block DHCP pools.

There are at least two distinct problems here. One is harvesting by
spammers of email addresses of those participating on our email lists,
the other is the spam we get through our @apache email address.

I am much more worried about harvesting of my non-apache email address
by spammers. As for my @apache email address, it only accepts input from
apache mailing lists. All other incoming messages get an autoreply for
consumption by an "intelligent" being.

--- Noel

-- Ceki Gülcü

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