Sander, thanks for organizing this. I think this will give the ASF
some great visibility.

(For the record, I've told Sander that I'm available for 10-2 on
Wed/Thu (and Friday too I guess), and that I can probably join
in on other slots that aren't filled by the time of the expo.)

How about we round up some graphic artists to help us make
some posters? I'm thinking we should come up with a list of
important issues and then incorporate them into the booth
materials (like posters, stickers, pamphlets, whatever) to help
us solidify our image. Here's a start:

0) What does the ASF do?
1) Solidify that we are a Non-Profit Corporation, not just a loose
conglomerate of nerds [sitting around in their boxers drinking gin]*.
2) Evangelize the Apache Software License (BSD-style vs. others)
3) How important is community-based open source software development
to the ASF?
4) How can people contribute? {time, money}
5) How can companies contribute? {people, money, hardware, services}


On Jun 3, 2004, at 12:45 AM, Sander Temme wrote:

Dear Apache community,

The Apache Software Foundation has been offered a booth in the .org Pavilion at the upcoming LinuxWorld Conference & Expo. We're looking for volunteers to staff this booth during the three days of the Expo:

Tuesday August 03, 2004   10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday August 04, 2004 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday August 05, 2004  10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

So, if you are attending LinuxWorld, are in town that week or live in the San Francisco Bay Area, please sign up by sending me e-mail with your name, the Apache project(s) you are involved in and your preferred two hour time slot (if any). I will probably (haven't completely thought this through yet) assign time slots on a first come, first served basis, so pick 10-12, 12-2, 2-4 or (on Tuesday or Wednesday) the popular single hour slot at the end of the day.

I'm hoping for response from all the Apache projects and subprojects, so we'll have a large range of people with different interests around that conference attendees can come and talk to. So, if you in any way can, please sign up.

* You'll be helping the Apache Community, which is a Good Karma thing
* You'll meet some of those people that you only hear from on mailing lists
* You'll meet fellow coders and patchers
* You WILL meet users who are using your software in ways that you never
* You can help educate the LinuxWorld crowd about how the Apache Software
Foundation and its projects work
* We'll probably end each day in the bar

Please sign up by this Friday, June 4. On Friday, we'll make a decision based on volunteer response whether we accept the booth or not.

If you haven't already, you can register for a free-as-in-beer expo pass (or the not-so-free conference packages) at <>.

I'm hoping for massive response.



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