On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, Sander Temme wrote:

> On Jun 3, 2004, at 8:55 AM, Aaron Bannert wrote:
> > Sander, thanks for organizing this. I think this will give the ASF
> > some great visibility.
> >
> > (For the record, I've told Sander that I'm available for 10-2 on
> > Wed/Thu (and Friday too I guess), and that I can probably join
> > in on other slots that aren't filled by the time of the expo.)
> Thanks Aaron!
> Otherwise... thunderous silence.
> Is no one going to LinuxWorld? Has it become that lame? Is no one 
> living in the Bay Area anymore?
> Aaron and I can not staff a booth between the two of us for three days. 
> I need more people. Do we have any traction for this?
> I need to get something to the people at IDG by the end of today 
> (Friday). I appreciate that this is short notice, and not everyone can 
> make plans this far in advance, in this short a time frame. However, I 
> would like to see some discussion and a show of support. Otherwise, I 
> can't enter this obligation.

I'd love to be there, and I would, without a doubt, like to hang out at
the ASF booth. However, alas, I can't make it unless someone at IDG
sends me a ticket. I missed the CFP, and I am rather far away. :-(

There's more than one way to eat a rhesus

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